Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Nov. 7: What A Rollercoaster!

Welcome to Montgomery Sword Author's blog!

Mary just did not want me to stop recording her story today!

She's fast developing her talents at dialogue as well as description..and that wry humour of hers is becoming very apparent.

The funnel of circumstances is tightening around her, and no matter how she tries or which way she turns, the danger of her secret (Seeing the Dead) is closer and closer to immediate revelation. That pesky old Spiritualist minister, Jepthah Termather, reappears; and we find out what a tightly-wrapped, close-knit gossiping community the small town of Cameron's Crossing really is...

Poor Mary: pushed closer and closer to her ultimate choice...

WC: 12,262

Plus an additional unrelated fantasy short of word count 1,454

Nov. 6

Welcome to Montgomery Sword Author's blog!

Word Count 10,265

Spiritualism, Plantations, out of state schoolteachers, prehistoric Native history, and Seeing The Dead

Nov. 5 Nano Progress

Welcome to Montgomery Sword Author's blog!

12 hours on the PC on Sunday and not one word of it devoted to Nano!
Made up for it today though, spent the entire day (8.5 hours} writing on Mary's story. We're expanding now into the Civil War, sacred Indian burial grounds, and social caste mixing lol!

Word Count: Monday Nov. 4: 8441