This is my motto for life.
I’ve been a proponent of the fantasy genre probably as long as I’ve been alive. When other children outgrew their imaginary playmates, Guardian Angels, and magical thinking, I never did. I still believe. And because I believe in Fantasy, I read Fantasy, I write Fantasy, I live Fantasy.
My first memories are of reading: walking the aisles of the Library, seeking out knowledge, wisdom, and most importantly, escape-escape to another reality, another time, another place. Here is where my initial interests in Fantasy as a genre expanded to included Science Fiction, Horror, and Paranormal; Historical, Supernatural, Occult—anything but non-fiction, which generally is too close to consensus reality to interest me, or to provide an escape.
The first novel I remember reading wasn’t actually a children’s book. Andre Norton’s wonderful Lord of Thunder, a science-fiction novel which I consider to have elements of fantasy. Reading it, I was immediately transported to a different world, one with exciting characters who earned my empathy, action-adventure, and best of all, writing that enabled my escape from the Real World. And after all, isn’t that what the best fiction is all about? At least it is, for me.