Saturday, June 23, 2007

Pet Peeve #1: From Hello to Intimacy in 3 Easy Steps

Welcome to Montgomery Sword Author's blog!
Some events are just really issue-driven: my current personal pet peeve must be one of them.

Online contacts do not have to be painful {or so I’ve heard}.

Maybe there’s just something to my aura that magnetises the weird, the sexually addicted, the perverse and painful.

I’m in the midst of yet another one of these oddball situations;

in late April, a guy introduced himself to me through a perfectly acceptable venue, an environmental networking site {NOT a dating site!}

He seemed normal enough, although young; and at first sent pretty jpgs like flowers, sky, and so forth. Sweetness-and-light stuff, don’t you know.

But then he zig-zags and starts with the sensual stuff, kissy-kissy slideshows!

Then, luckily, a break came-a hiatus while he high-tailed his way from his country of employment, back across the desert and ocean to his country of birth. I thought all was over, as I heard no more..

but no, I thought too soon..and he returned a few days ago, more ebullient and persevering than ever…

I love you, I love you, he cries, and-when did you last make love dear?


Isn’t that rather a personal question, I replied.

Yes, but I need to know you COMPLETELY


says he..

to which,

I am silent

knowing that discretion sometimes/often means remaining still

the rabbit hiding in the tall grass may go unseen by the hawk

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