Saturday, February 09, 2008

Thoughts on Douglas Preston's BLASPHEMY

Welcome to Montgomery Sword Author's blog!

"If you're at your destination, why make the journey? If you know the answer why ask the question? That's why the future is-and must be-profoundly hidden, even from God.
Otherwise life would have no meaning."

Blasphemy, Douglas Preston, 2008

I found this a profoundly disturbing novel. I've been reading Mr. Preston's works coauthored with Lincoln Child since Relic and relish their series containing Pendergast. This is one of Mr. Preston's sole-authorship novels. A second-generation supercollider is constructed under a mesa in Arizona to discover the "truths" of the Big Bang at the creation of the Universe. Not far into the story, science and religion collide in a drastic and tragic fashion. Very disturbing book-very thought-provoking.

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