Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Nov. 28: Post-NANO

Welcome to Montgomery Sword Author's blog!
Well, having ushered Mary at the Old Railroad Trestle into the stable (lacking only a few scenes of dialogue and a final ending) it's time to shift gears a few years into the future (from Mary's standpoint) and across the Big Pond: from 1911 in South Alabama to 1914 Edinburgh/Dover/France, and from YA quality to sweet romance but with an 18+ level concept. This new one is a short story of my conception; I've been asked to author one for an upcoming (Spring 08) charity anthology. How utterly cool is that? I'm truly honoured. This new story came to me fully plotted in only two sleepless nights, so it's ready for dictation through my tapping fingers and into the PC.

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