Friday, November 02, 2007

Nano Nov. 2

Welcome to Montgomery Sword Author's blog!

Just to keep myself on track this year, I'm keeping up a Nano spreadsheet at Google Docs which not only gives me a running total, but also tells me how far ahead I am, and on what date I can expect to finish.

Well, yesterday I was ahead enough at 1939 wc (word count) that my expected finish date was Nov. 26, not Nov. 30.

Today I added another scintillating 2047, so now my "due date" is Nov. 25! Yay! I've a total of 3986 at the moment, and when the 2007 Nano widgets become available, I'll install one here and it will update directly from my updating at the site. Too cool!

BTW, the Opus is currently (working) titled "Mary at The Old Railroad Trestle," and is a 1st-person narrative of a 14-year-old girl in small, small-town Alabama in May 1911. It's a YA haunting supernatural/mystery :)

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