Thursday, September 27, 2007

Montgomery's Activities Update

Welcome to Montgomery Sword Author's blog!

A busy, busy month of September but so much more to come.

Mid-month, I was offered an Associate Instructor-in-Training teaching position, in an Intermediate Writing course.
That begins Oct. 1.
Also on Oct. 1, I begin as a student in three Advanced Writing courses:

Mystery [culminating in a Mystery short story]
Novel Writing [culminating, natch, in Novel]

I've already started a position as Content Provider [4 weekly pages] in the Writing Academy at which I am a student & Associate-in-training Instructor.

November is NANOWRIMO [National Novel Writing Month] so that’s 30 days of writing on a different novel.

That carries me to Dec. 23. Then beginning with the Winter Quarter I’ll continue teaching, and will take the Mystery Novel course!

Great fun, but a tremendous workload! Gotta love it!

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