Friday, September 28, 2007

Elizabeth George on Writers vs. Authors

Welcome to Montgomery Sword's Writing blog!

"Here's the thing about writing: There are writers and there are authors. Writers seek to write, and they seek to write better and better with every book. Authors seek only to be published and they seek advances to match their egos."

from Elizabeth George, Foreword to Sometimes The Magic Works: Lessons From a Writing Life by Terry Brooks p. ix, Random House 2004

Sometimes the Magic Works by Terry Brooks

Welcome to Montgomery Sword Author's blog!

Sometimes the Magic Works: Lessons from a Writing Life
Terry Brooks
Random House 2004
ISBN 0345465512

Last evening I reread this special little book. As a writer, I’m always looking out for inspiration, and following Mr. Brooks through some of the journey of writing evolution gives me a new perspective on writing, and reading, and reviewing.

Mr. Brooks offers his rules for writing, and comparing those to the foil of other writers’ comments helps me to realize which are best for me as a writer and what most awakens and channels my own creative inspiration.

This one is highly recommended.--MS--

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Montgomery's Activities Update

Welcome to Montgomery Sword Author's blog!

A busy, busy month of September but so much more to come.

Mid-month, I was offered an Associate Instructor-in-Training teaching position, in an Intermediate Writing course.
That begins Oct. 1.
Also on Oct. 1, I begin as a student in three Advanced Writing courses:

Mystery [culminating in a Mystery short story]
Novel Writing [culminating, natch, in Novel]

I've already started a position as Content Provider [4 weekly pages] in the Writing Academy at which I am a student & Associate-in-training Instructor.

November is NANOWRIMO [National Novel Writing Month] so that’s 30 days of writing on a different novel.

That carries me to Dec. 23. Then beginning with the Winter Quarter I’ll continue teaching, and will take the Mystery Novel course!

Great fun, but a tremendous workload! Gotta love it!